Learn @ Azim Premji University
The New Learning Management System on Moodle
First-time users:
Please follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Click on the Google Button;
2. Enter your Google(apu.edu.in) login Credentials;
3. The confirmation mail will be sent to the respective mail id;
4. Check your mail id for the confirmation mail and click on the confirmation link;
5. Once the confirmation link is clicked, you can see the confirmation message; and
6. Click on the continue button to authorize the Moodle dashboard.
For any support or query on login, please contact:
For any support on access to specific courses/enrolments/course activities, reach out as below :
For PG:
madev.programmeoffice@apu.edu.in || maedu.programmeoffice@apu.edu.in || mpg.programmeoffice@apu.edu.in || llm.programmeoffice@apu.edu.in || diploma.programmeoffice@apu.edu.in
For SAS :